For too long the world has underestimated what movies are capable of. At their best they’ve inoculated us against tyrannical ideologies, shattered our naivety, given us courage to live better lives, saved our sanity in times of crisis, and helped us to see a more wondrous world. They still have much work to do. Narrative film operates in mysterious ways, often below the level of consciousness, and this website aims to penetrate its mysteries, applying methods of a detective or a psychoanalyst to find insights that critics have missed.

List of 199 film essays

1920-02-26 Cabinet of Dr. Caligari Wiene
1923-10-16 Warning Shadows Robison
1924-04-17 Sherlock Jr. Keaton
1926-11-06 Exit Smiling Taylor
1927-09-23 Sunrise Murnau
1930-04-08 Earth Dovzhenko
1931-01-30 City Lights Chaplin
1932-01-20 Blood of a Poet Cocteau
1932-05-06 Vampyr Dreyer
1932-06-03 I Was Born, But... Ozu
1932-06-25 Red-Headed Woman Conway
1934-04-24 Atalante Vigo
1935-06-06 39 Steps Hitchcock
1936-02-05 Modern Times Chaplin
1936-02-27 Mr. Thank You Shimizu
1938-10-07 Lady Vanishes Hitchcock
1939-01-27 Idiot's Delight Brown
1939-03-17 Midnight Leisen
1939-08-11 Wizard of Oz Fleming et al.
1940-03-21 Rebecca Hitchcock
1941-03-21 Sea Wolf Curtiz
1941-08-26 Ornamental Hairpin Shimizu
1941-09-09 Ladies in Retirement Vidor
1941-10-03 Maltese Falcon Huston
1941-10-16 Assassination of Père Noël Christian-Jaque
1941-10-31 I Wake Up Screaming Humberstone
1942-04-22 Saboteur Hitchcock
1942-07-10 Nuit fantastique L'Herbier
1942-07-31 Holiday Inn Sandrich
1942-11-26 Casablanca Curtiz
1943-00-00 Meshes of the Afternoon Deren/Hammid
1943-01-12 Shadow of a Doubt Hitchcock
1943-04-08 I Walked with a Zombie Tourneur, J.
1943-04-14 Goupi Mains Rouges Becker
1943-04-21 Hand of the Devil Tourneur, M.
1943-05-26 Lumière d'été Grémillon
1943-11-13 Day of Wrath Dreyer
1944-10-11 Laura Preminger
1945-09-09 Dead of Night Dearden et al.
1945-09-28 Mildred Pierce Curtiz
1945-10-31 Spellbound Hitchcock
1945-11-14 Detour Ulmer
1945-11-19 Brief Encounter Lean
1946-08-22 Big Sleep Hawks
1946-09-25 Beauty and the Beast Cocteau
1946-11-01 Matter of Life and Death Powell/Pressburger
1946-12-07 Green for Danger Gilliat
1947-04-11 Monsieur Verdoux Chaplin
1947-04-24 Black Narcissus Powell/Pressburger
1947-05-25 Ghost and Mrs. Muir Mankiewicz
1948-12-01 Parents terribles Cocteau
1949-01-19 Such a Pretty Little Beach Allégret
1949-01-20 Letter to Three Wives Mankiewicz
1949-09-01 Third Man Reed
1949-09-13 Late Spring Ozu
1950-02-23 Stage Fright Hitchcock
1950-03-01 Orphée Cocteau
1950-03-29 Enfants terribles Melville
1950-08-10 Sunset Boulevard Wilder
1950-10-13 All About Eve Mankiewicz
1950-12-25 Born Yesterday Cukor
1951-02-07 Diary of a Country Priest Bresson
1951-04-15 Juliette, or the Key of Dreams Carné
1951-06-27 Strangers on a Train Hitchcock
1951-10-03 Early Summer Ozu
1952-01-17 Phone Call from a Stranger Negulesco
1952-02-22 5 Fingers Mankiewicz
1952-10-01 Flavor of Green Tea over Rice Ozu
1953-02-25 Monsieur Hulot's Holiday Tati
1953-03-26 Ugetsu monogatari Mizoguchi
1953-08-20 Roman Holiday Wyler
1953-11-03 Tokyo Story Ozu
1954-03-03 Naked Jungle Haskin
1954-08-04 Rear Window Hitchcock
1955-01-10 Ordet Dreyer
1955-05-09 Death of a Cyclist Bardem
1955-07-26 Night of the Hunter Laughton
1955-08-26 Pather Panchali Ray
1956-08-29 Burmese Harp Ichikawa
1956-11-11 Man Escaped Bresson
1957-12-26 Wild Strawberries Bergman
1958-01-20 Cairo Station Chahine
1958-05-09 Vertigo Hitchcock
1958-06-06 Beau Serge Chabrol
1958-08-19 Conflagration Ichikawa
1958-08-26 Eighth Day of the Week Ford
1958-10-10 Music Room Ray
1959-05-08 Hiroshima mon amour Resnais
1959-08-26 Night Train Kawalerowicz
1959-11-03 Fires on the Plain Ichikawa
1959-11-17 Floating Weeds Ozu
1959-12-05 Fever Mounts at El Pao Buñuel
1959-12-16 Pickpocket Bresson
1960-02-19 Devi Ray
1960-03-10 Plein soleil Clément
1960-04-14 Cloud-Capped Star Ghatak
1960-04-22 Bonnes femmes Chabrol
1960-05-15 Avventura Antonioni
1960-06-16 Psycho Hitchcock
1961-01-24 Notte Antonioni
1961-07-01 Woman Is a Woman Godard
1961-08-29 Last Year at Marienbad Resnais
1961-10-29 End of Summer Ozu
1962-03-09 Knife in the Water Polański
1962-04-11 Cléo from 5 to 7 Varda
1962-04-12 Eclisse Antonioni
1962-05-16 Exterminating Angel Buñuel
1962-08-28 Vivre sa vie Godard
1963-02-09 Winter Light Bergman
1963-05-31 Carabiniers Godard
1963-09-03 Servant Losey
1963-09-27 Big City Ray
1964-04-17 Charulata Ray
1964-07-09 Marnie Hitchcock
1964-07-29 Band of Outsiders Godard
1964-09-07 Red Desert Antonioni
1964-12-18 Gertrud Dreyer
1965-05-05 Alphaville Godard
1965-08-27 Simón of the Desert Buñuel
1965-08-29 Pierrot le fou Godard
1965-12-01 I Knew Her Well Pietrangeli
1966-03-17 Black Girl Sembène
1966-05-15 Au hasard Balthazar Bresson
1966-05-16 Seconds Frankenheimer
1966-08-31 Battle of Algiers Pontecorvo
1966-10-18 Persona Bergman
1966-11-10 Quiller Memorandum Anderson
1966-12-03 Made in U.S.A. Godard
1966-12-05 Time Walks Through the City Grikevičius
1966-12-16 Andrei Rublev Tarkovsky
1966-12-18 Blow-Up Antonioni
1967-03-17 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her Godard
1967-12-29 Weekend Godard
1968-04-02 2001: A Space Odyssey Kubrick
1969-10-00 Structure of Crystal Zanussi
1969-12-17 Topaz Hitchcock
1970-02-09 Zabriskie Point Antonioni
1970-02-27 Boucher Chabrol
1970-06-27 Man Who Left His Will on Film Oshima
1970-08-26 Rupture Chabrol
1971-06-02 Whity Fassbinder
1971-12-19 Clockwork Orange Kubrick
1972-02-05 Solaris Tarkovsky
1972-05-19 Frenzy Hitchcock
1972-06-25 Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant Fassbinder
1972-08-00 Nathalie Granger Duras
1972-12-21 Cries and Whispers Bergman
1974-06-20 Chinatown Polański
1975-02-18 Passenger Antonioni
1975-06-04 India Song Duras
1975-12-11 Barry Lyndon Kubrick
1976-11-13 Heart of Glass Herzog
1977-06-08 Baxter, Véra Baxter Duras
1978-09-00 Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting Ruiz
1979-05-25 Stalker Tarkovsky
1980-05-23 Shining Kubrick
1981-03-11 Diva Beineix
1982-02-18 Veronika Voss Fassbinder
1982-06-25 Blade Runner Scott
1983-05-12 Moon in the Gutter Beineix
1983-05-16 Argent Bresson
1983-05-17 Nostalghia Tarkovsky
1986-05-09 Sacrifice Tarkovsky
1986-08-30 Blue Velvet Lynch
1987-02-01 Where Is My Friend's Home? Kiarostami
1987-06-17 Full Metal Jacket Kubrick
1988-03-14 Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Almodóvar
1989-04-12 Roselyne and the Lions Beineix
1989-09-04 Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover Greenaway
1993-00-00 Antareen Sen
1994-01-30 Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Elliott
1995-08-30 Cérémonie Chabrol
1996-05-13 Breaking the Waves Von Trier
1998-06-01 Truman Show Weir
1998-08-20 Run Lola Run Tykwer
1999-07-13 Eyes Wide Shut Kubrick
1999-09-06 Wind Will Carry Us Kiarostami
2000-05-17 Dancer in the Dark Von Trier
2000-12-08 Italian for Beginners Scherfig
2001-02-09 Hannibal Scott
2001-05-16 Mulholland Drive Lynch
2003-05-19 Dogville Von Trier
2003-09-02 Matchstick Men Scott
2005-05-14 Caché Haneke
2006-05-27 Pan's Labyrinth Del Toro
2006-09-01 Dry Season Haroun
2006-09-06 Inland Empire Lynch
2006-09-21 Boss of It All Von Trier
2007-09-05 In the City of Sylvia Guerín
2011-05-18 Melancholia Von Trier
2011-05-19 Day He Arrives Hong
2013-09-08 Enemy Villeneuve
2013-10-03 Counselor Scott
2014-05-17 Wild Tales Szifron
2015-09-11 Martian Scott
2016-09-01 Arrival Villeneuve
2017-01-23 Get Out Peele
2018-05-16 Burning Lee
2022-09-09 No Bears Panahi

Newest essays:

Diva - Jean-Jacques Beineix - Frédéric Andréi - Wilhelminia Wiggins Fernandez - Jules - Cynthia Hawkins

1. Diva
1981, Jean-Jacques Beineix
added 7 February 2025

Frenzy - Alfred Hitchcock - Jon Finch - Anna Massey - Richard Blaney - Babs Milligan

2. Frenzy
1972, Alfred Hitchcock
added 27 January 2025

Run Lola Run - Lola rennt - Tom Tykwer - Franka Potente

3. Run Lola Run
1998, Tom Tykwer
added 13 January 2025

Phone Call from a Stranger - Jean Negulesco - Keenan Wynn - Shelley Winters - Eddie Hoke - Binky Gay - eyeballs

4. Phone Call from a Stranger
1952, Jean Negulesco
added 5 January 2025